Learning Web Programming: Javascript
Over the past week I’ve been looking into “snazzing” up my website and I’ve found one of the best ways to do this is through the addition of some Javascript. I want to point you in the direction of a few really good tools to get you started working with Javascript.
W3 Schools: Javascript. As I’ve done in the past, I started off by going out to W3 Schools and going through their intro to Javascript. For those of you with some web programming background, you’ll likely fly right through these tutorials, but it’s nice to see the differences in syntax in order to get familiar with the code samples you’ll be looking at next.
JQuery: Documentation. I’m a huge proponent of not re-inventing the wheel. JQuery is a very lightweight, free library that allows you to write much less code and add really nice looking components to your site quickly and easily. The link above is to their documentation website, but specifically I recommend looking at their how jQuery works and tutorials. Install jQuery on your server and try running some of the code. You’ll likely be impressed!
Tutorialized. I’ve used this site in the past and I’ve always been really impressed with the quality of their free tutorials. Check it out and go through a few tutorials to familiarize yourself with how to do what you want to do with Javascript.
By utilizing the information above, you’ll be off to a good start with Javascript. Happy coding!